Every month I want to challenge myself to come up with a “self portrait”. I love animation, I could go on all day about cartoons but I won’t for the sake of length. I love how cartoons can capture moments you could only imagine. Ordinary acting can only be taken so far before it turns tacky but the possibilities are endless with a nice budget and a good animation crew. With that being said, my “self portraits” are just to capture a creative thought.
March was a very whimsical and imaginative month for me. I felt like I was on a high the entire month. I really felt unstoppable and so creative. If you don’t know pisces is a water sign that is deeply creative and intuitive. The entire pisces season I was being very affected by these elements because of how dominant this sign is in my chart. I’m not a pisces sun but my big three work together to have me live above the clouds. I love animation, I said this prior. Watching animation makes my brain go into crazy creative mode, it inspires me so deeply for such unrelated projects.
Recently my love for animation has progressed, I have found a new interest in learning to animate my graphics. Now, I haven’t acted on this entirely because I don’t have a pen for this old bamboo pad that we've had forever and I’m trying to be wise with my spending. All I can really do right now are ugly inaccurate pencil lines or very clean pen strokes. I was playing around with mouse strokes and it got me thinking about paperback art work like in Charlie and Lola and a French book I read in highschool called “Petit Nicolas”. I guess you can say the giant was inspired by my subconscious period in the clouds. I feel like I’m on top of things in my life at the moment and I’m overseeing from a greater point of view. I’m no longer dwelling in my struggle, I’m trying to put my dreams into action and really take the course of my life, I can’t sit and dream of all these possibilities without attempting to grasp them. I am a very words into action person. There is so much room to embrace failure at this point in my life, I’m 21, I live at home, I have no real responsibilities outside of providing for myself. I want to be a material girl that does giant things.
NOTE: I’m gonna do a thing where I mention Bob’s Burgers in non related Bob’s Burgers conversations but after I finalized this image, I sat down to watch the latest Bob’s Burgers episode and BOB WAS A FREAKING GIANT! WHAT ARE THE ODDS? That’s an omen.